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Why Do You Wear So Much Makeup?!

Today’s post is more of a rant about people who judge girls who wear “a lot” of makeup. This was inspired by a picture of Kylie Jenner I saw on facebook today where half the comments were either, “You’re beautiful but you wear way too much makeup” or “omg lol yur lyke soooo uglllyyy you were sooooo much makup kdjflksdj!!!” This bugs me so much! Not just because I love Kylie but because I’m someone who really loves to wear makeup and get totally done-up. There’s nothing wrong with that! For this post, I’ve put together some of the most annoying things people say about makeup and funny pictures I found off Buzzfeed as well as a video from Glam and Gore about being confident in wearing makeup.


1) “Boys don’t like girls who wear so much makeup.”

A. No woman should feel the pressure to change in any way shape or form not just for a man, but for ANYONE. If wearing makeup is what makes you feel happy and confident, then do it! I will never change myself for another person because the only person’s opinion that matters to me is my own. Honestly, if a guy were to tell me that I wear too much makeup, I would just wear even more and be like, “Hey bae, you like my face?” while reapplying my lipstick.

B. If a guy is focused so much on your makeup, then he’s not a good boyfriend/ potential boyfriend because he should be focusing on what’s inside. Obviously, appearance is the first thing that people notice but really most guys don’t have a clue. They don’t know what’s right or wrong in terms of makeup and if they don’t like it, they can gtfo. But really, I don’t think most guys care what amount of makeup you wear, as long as you are confident and happy in yourself.

2) “You look so much better without all that makeup on!”

A. Did I ask for your opinion?

B. Did I ask for your opinion?!!

3) “When I see a woman without her makeup on, I feel like I’ve been lied to.” – Douchebag guys

A. When I see your shirtless pics and then see you shirtless irl, I feel like I'VE been lied to.

B. Go away.

4) “Why are you wearing all that makeup? Who are you trying to impress?”

I love this video from Mykie of Glam and Gore so much.Watch it to feel more confident in wearing makeup:

It’s not a bad thing to wear a lot of makeup.And it isn’t a bad thing to not wear makeup at all.Do what you want.If you want to contour your nose, then contour your nose.If you want massive winged liner, then draw on your wings and don’t let anyone stop you!Makeup isn’t supposed to be used as a tool to hide yourself or to cover up who you are.Makeup is used to magnify and highlight the natural beauty that we all have.Makeup is also a way to creatively express ourselves and for some, like myself, when you sit down to do your makeup, it’s almost like therapy.So, the takeaway message is, wear as much or as little makeup as you want and if someone doesn’t like it, oh well! *reapplies lipstick*



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