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A Few of My Favorite Channels

I’m always watching YouTube videos and I’m obsessed with makeup tutorials and fashion hauls and look books. So, I’ve compiled a list of a few of my favorite channels of each and one of my favorite videos! These are in no particular order :)

1) IAMKARENO – Karen does videos on makeup tutorials, fashion hauls, look books, and her everyday life. I love her makeup tutorials because they’re simple enough that even the most beginner level girls can follow them with ease. Her look books are my favorite look book videos I’ve ever found on YouTube. Her style is a mixture of K-Pop, 90s’, 70s’, and athleisure. From the very first video I watched, the first thing I noticed was her editing. She edits her videos in a way that’s so detailed and unique without taking away attention from the video itself. She gives great recommendations for online shopping and Japanese beauty brands.

2) Michelle Phan – Michelle is that girl who feels like she could be anyone’s best friend. She has over 8 million YouTube subscribers and millions of followers on Instagram and Twitter. She even has a book out called ‘Makeup Your Life’ which features makeup, style, and life tips. Her videos are so beautiful to watch. Again, Michelle’s editing is very creative and unique from other channels. Some of her makeup tutorials are more advanced while others show you how to create a simple winged eyeliner. Michelle’s channel focuses more on makeup than on anything else but she does these Pillowtalk videos where she answers questions and it just feels like we’re best friends hanging out! Now we know where Zayn got his idea from. ;)

3) Glam & Gore – This one is a bit more of an FX channel than a beauty channel. Although, it is called glam and gore because she, Mykie, does beautiful glam tutorials as well as creepy, special fx videos. I’ve never been so impressed with someone’s makeup skills than I have with Mykies! She’s also really funny and she always wears her signature nose piercing. Mykie went to film school before she started YouTube so her videos are always high quality and movie-like. She puts so much effort into her videos and it really pays off.

4) Chriselle Lim – I found Chriselle a few years ago from her fashion blog,, and when I saw she had a YouTube channel I began binge watching all her videos. She has a very minimal, clean, and feminine aesthetic to her videos and she features makeup tutorials as well as look books. She also films vlogs and travel diaries with a mixture of food and fitness videos making for a very well-rounded channel!

5) Amanda Faye – I found Amanda through Matthias on YouTube, her husband. I found Matthias through Markiplier so it’s all just a big YouTuber web of connections! Amanda does get ready with me videos and makeup tutorials as well as DIY videos. She also does Q and A’s and vlogs and is in many videos with Matthias, on her channel and on his. She’s also really funny and silly and I love her personality so much!

That’s it for today, thanks for reading and check back for a new posting soon!



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